Vendors List » DreamBox Learning

DreamBox Learning

Company Name: DreamBox Learning
Contract Title(s): Instructional Material/Supplies/Equipment/Software
Contract #: TEXBUY RFP #022-026 
Contract Term: September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 with the option to extend for 36 additional months in 12-month increments through August 31, 2024, August 31, 2025 and August 31, 2026.
Products and Services: DreamBox Learning provides evidence-based math and reading solutions that leverage data to create personalized instruction for each student. With adaptive learning technology, educators can better support students’ individual academic journeys, and ensure they experience meaningful learning tailored to their needs. As an established leader in the education industry, DreamBox meets the learning needs of over 6 million students and is the only dual-discipline solution rated ESSA STRONG by Johns Hopkins University.
DreamBox Math provides students in grades K - 8 with engaging, personalized math instruction. It helps students build skills and develop conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. DreamBox Math adapts and differentiates instruction in real time based on students’ answers and how they approach and solve math problems. By automatically and continually supporting learners at their levels, the math program ensures they stay motivated and love building math skills.
DreamBox Reading helps students in grades 3 - 12 improve silent reading fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and motivation. DreamBox Reading customizes instruction for students by placing them at their just-right levels based on assessment data that continually adapts with student interaction. As students work through the program, they discover diverse content, experience literacy growth and develop into confident, lifelong readers.
Ordering Instructions: Please contact Greg Groenke at [email protected] to request quotes. 
Vendor Contact Info:
Greg Groenke
Vendor Website: DreamBox Learning
Bid & Response Documents: #022-026 Instructional Materials/Supplies/Equipment/Software
Required Federal and State Documents:
Federal Exclusion Search (S.A.M..)